Resizable BAR: A Game-Changing Technology for Gamers

Resizable BAR, also known as "Base Address Register", is a new technology that promises to deliver improved gaming performance by allowing the CPU to access the entire graphics card memory, instead of just a portion of it.

This revolutionary technology has been integrated into the latest graphics cards and has received widespread attention from the gaming community.

In this article, we will take a closer look at Resizable BAR, how it works, and the benefits it offers to gamers.

What is Resizable BAR?

Resizable BAR, or Base Address Register, is a feature that allows your CPU to access the entire GPU memory at once. Traditionally, CPUs could only access a small portion of GPU memory at a time, but with Resizable BAR, that's no longer the case.

How Does Resizable BAR Work?

Think of it like a highway. Without Resizable BAR, your CPU is like a car that can only use one lane at a time. But with Resizable BAR, it's like all lanes are open, allowing for faster and more efficient data transfer.

geforce rtx 3080 resizable bar performance improvements Resizable BAR
Credits: Nvidia

The Benefits of Resizable BAR for Gamers

Resizable BAR can significantly improve gaming performance. By allowing the CPU to access all of the GPU memory at once, games can load textures and shaders more quickly, resulting in smoother gameplay and higher frame rates.

How to Enable Resizable BAR

Enabling Resizable BAR involves updating your motherboard BIOS, GPU drivers, and potentially making changes in your system's BIOS settings. It's not too complicated, but it's important to follow the instructions carefully.

Compatibility: Hardware and Games

Not all hardware and games support Resizable BAR. You'll need a compatible CPU, GPU, and motherboard, and the game you're playing must also support the feature.

Potential Drawbacks and Solutions

While Resizable BAR can improve performance, it's not always a guaranteed win. In some cases, it can even reduce performance. However, updates and optimizations are continually being made to mitigate these issues.

Resizable BAR Vs. Traditional BAR

Compared to traditional BAR, Resizable BAR offers significant advantages, including improved data transfer efficiency and potentially higher gaming performance. However, it requires compatible hardware and software.

The Future of Resizable BAR

As more hardware and games become compatible with Resizable BAR, its benefits will become increasingly apparent. It's a promising technology that could become a standard feature in future gaming rigs.

Tips for Optimizing Resizable BAR

To get the most out of Resizable BAR, it's important to keep your system's BIOS and drivers updated. Additionally, be sure to check if the games you play support the feature.

The Forgeary Quick Guide

What is Resizable BAR?

Resizable BAR is a feature that allows your CPU to access the entire GPU memory at once, potentially improving gaming performance.

How do I enable Resizable BAR?

Enabling Resizable BAR involves updating your motherboard BIOS, GPU drivers, and potentially making changes in your system's BIOS settings.

Does my hardware support Resizable BAR?

Not all hardware supports Resizable BAR. You'll need a compatible CPU, GPU, and motherboard. Check with your hardware manufacturers for compatibility.

Do all games benefit from Resizable BAR?

Not all games support or benefit from Resizable BAR. It's best to check if the games you play support the feature.

Can Resizable BAR reduce performance?

In some cases, Resizable BAR may not improve or could even reduce performance. However, updates and optimizations are continually being made to improve its effectiveness.


Resizable BAR is an exciting technology that can give competitive gamers the edge they need.

By allowing the CPU to access all of the GPU memory at once, it can improve gaming performance and lead to smoother, more responsive gameplay.

However, it's important to remember that not all hardware and games support this feature, and in some cases, it may not result in a performance boost.

As with any technology, it's essential to do your research and understand how to properly use and optimize it.


This quiz is designed to test your knowledge on Resizable Bars, a tool frequently used by Competitive Gamers and eSports Professionals.

The quiz consists of 10 questions that cover various aspects of Resizable Bars.


1. What is a Resizable Bar used for?

A) Adjusting the size of a window

B) Aiming in FPS games

C) Playing YouTube videos

D) None of the above

2. Which company introduced support for Resizable BAR in its graphics cards?



C) Intel

D) Razer

3. What does the term 'Resizable Bar' refer to?

A) A type of candy bar

B) A tool used to resize windows

C) A graphics card feature

D) None of the above

4. What is the default status of the Resizable Bar feature on NVIDIA graphics cards?

A) Enabled

B) Disabled

C) Only enabled for certain games

D) Customizable

5. Which game was the first to support Resizable Bar technology?

A) Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

B) Fortnite

C) Cyberpunk 2077

D) Assassin’s Creed Valhalla

6. Does Resizable Bar technology bring any performance benefits in gaming?

A) Yes, it can improve FPS performance

B) No, it does not improve gaming performance

C) Only improves performance in certain games

D) Improvements are negligible

7. Which of the following operating systems support the Resizable BAR feature?

A) Windows 10

B) macOS

C) Linux

D) All of the above

8. How does Resizable Bar work?

A) It increases the amount of available VRAM.

B) It gives the CPU access to GPU memory.

C) It decreases the amount of RAM used.

D) It expands the size of monitor resolution.

9. What are the minimum hardware requirements for enabling Resizable Bar compatibility?

A) AMD Radeon RX 6700 XT, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060, Intel Core i5 10th Gen

B) AMD Radeon RX 580, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060, Intel Core i3 6th Gen

C) AMD Radeon RX 6900 XT, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080, Intel Core i9 11th Gen

D) None of the Above

10. Which game developer has stated that Resizable Bar can provide a performance boost of up to 10%?

A) Infinity Ward

B) Ubisoft

C) CD Projekt Red

D) Epic Games


1. A) Adjusting the size of a window 2. A) AMD 3. C) A graphics card feature 4. B) Disabled 5. C) Cyberpunk 2077 6. A) Yes, it can improve FPS performance 7. D) All of the above 8. B) It gives the CPU access to GPU memory. 9. D) None of the Above 10. C) CD Projekt Red