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Hyper-Threading is a technology developed by Intel Corporation. It is a form of simultaneous multi-threading technology (SMT), where multiple threads of a software program are allowed to run on each core of a processor. This technology aims to increase the processing efficiency, enhance the use of processor resources, and improve the overall performance of a computer system.

In simple terms, Hyper-Threading technology prepares, executes, and retires instructions in an order that makes the most efficient use of processor resources. The CPU (Central Processing Unit) manages the resources available within a chip for different processes. The mainstream method is to dedicatedly execute one thread at a time on each core. However, Hyper-Threading technology allows the core to execute multiple threads at the same time.

For an instance, suppose there are two tasks or threads that need to be processed by the CPU. In a regular single-core scenario, these tasks are handled one after the other, which can result in gaps or idle times when one task is waiting for resources to become available. In contrast, a CPU with Hyper-Threading technology can handle both tasks simultaneously by appropriately sharing computing resources, thus reducing idle time and significantly increasing computing efficiency.

The execution of multiple threads makes Hyper-Threading technology an invaluable resource in the realm of multitasking. This essentially means running more than one program or task simultaneously without noticeable degradation in performance. For tasks that require high computational power such as video rendering and advanced calculations, this technology proves to be extremely beneficial.

However, it's important to note that Hyper-Threading doesn't double the performance of a system. It can, at most, deliver an up to 30% improvement in performance when used with applications that are designed to take advantage of the technology. The exact improvement depends on the workload, system configuration, and the number of cores available.

In conclusion, Hyper-Threading is a significant technological advancement in computer processing. It helps in achieving greater efficiency and enhanced performance in computing operations. Despite not providing a 100% increase in performance, it still adds a considerable acceleration to the speed of carrying out tasks and improves the overall effectiveness of computing systems. Therefore, Hyper-Threading technology is a useful feature to consider during the selection of a processor for personal use or for building a powerful computing setup.