Remove Graphics Driver Traces with Display Driver Uninstaller

Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU) is a program designed to remove all traces of AMD, Nvidia and Intel graphics drivers from a system.

It can be used to fix various graphics issues, or to prepare a system for a new graphics card/driver installation. DDU should always be used in conjunction with a fresh install of the latest graphics drivers.

What is Display Driver Uninstaller?

Most official uninstallers in Windows 10 are known for leaving leftovers on the system when used to remove an application.

It can be all sorts of junk, and in the case of GPU drivers, this is particularly troublesome as these leftover files may interfere with performance.

Display Driver Uninstaller is a free tool to carefully remove old GPU drivers.

It works by properly scanning the computer for all known files and configurations and removing them for the last time.

Where to download Display Driver Uninstaller?

When you are done removing all traces of the firmware, we recommend NVIDIA owner to run NVCleaninstall to install the new drivers